Do you have plans you are feeling excited about, or do plans make you feel overwhelmed? We all process changes differently, but therefore it's good to remember that when one part of our lives shifts, it doesn't mean the rest has to "change right now". It can mean "change when you're ready" or "change what is achievable". Do your own life at your own pace - it's yours after all.
Every now and again it's important to take inventory of whatever we are carrying.
Sometimes we keep on shouldering weight, just because we're used to it. We normalise our burdens in order to manage them... but what if we just decided to unpack and leave them behind?
What do we really need to take forward with us?
Think about the achievements you have made - whether you see them as big or small...
🟡 Did you start any routines you found helpful, such as drinking some water everyday, or going for a walk regularly?
🟡 Did you recognise something about your behaviour or moods, which you hadn't realised before, and could then address?
🟡 Did you make any new friendships or heal any old hurts?
If you feel like you can identify a "win", then hold it close and stow it in your backpack. The memories we make and the positive lessons we learn can help us on our future travels.
What can we say goodbye to?
Think about the more difficult times you experienced. Did you gain closure on anything which now you can move further away from?
🔵 Did you let go of a relationship which was hurting you?
🔵 Did you break any habits that were undermining your confidence?
🔵 Did you work through a trauma which now is beginning to heal?
Although we never forget our most challenging times, we can choose how much of their weight we wish to carry forwards as we heal - and bit by bit, we can leave behind some of the burden.
Remember, whatever you decide right now, in this moment, does not define your entire future path. We are always changing and adapting - and this part of the journey is only one short moment in your adventure.
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If you need further guidance, advice or support, feel free to contact me.